Quality and Longevity of SAC's NDB
At Southern Avionics Company we pride ourselves on the quality and longevity of our products....
Welcome to the Southern Avionics Company corporate blog. Southern Avionics is a recognized leader in the field of navigational transmitters such as low frequency Non-Directional Radio Beacons and DGPS Reference Station Transmitters.
For more than 45 years, we have been providing safe and reliable navigation aids for industrial civil and military users and their respective aeronautical & maritime user-communities throughout the world.
The first commercial offshore beacon was invented and installed by Southern Avionics in 1963... Since that time, we have built around 10,000 offshore and onshore NDBs for customers around the world. Because of our superior product quality and a fundamental commitment to continuous customer satisfaction, we remain the most trusted and user-friendly name in radiobeacon navigation.
In 1997, the US Coast Guard contracted with Southern Avionics to design & produce over 100 one-kilowatt RSIM-Controlled DGPS Reference Station Transmitters. These transmitters were built to meet strict operational, site, and delivery requirements and continue to form a major component of the USCG Nationwide DGPS program.
In addition to the U.S. DGPS system, SAC has supplied numerous DGPS reference station transmitters to Maritime and Lighthouse Authorities around the world.
In each case, thousands of users on land and at sea continually rely upon the same product quality and reliability that have made Southern Avionics the industry standard in low-frequency radiobeacon technology for the past 45 years.
The purpose of this blog is to begin and sustain a dialogue with people that use, install, and maintain navigation products for marine and aviation sites around the world.
Please feel free to let us know what you would like to see us write about or if you have any questions that we can answer.
At Southern Avionics Company we pride ourselves on the quality and longevity of our products....
A long-term client of Southern Avionics, this oil and gas company with operations in...
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